How to eat more Vegetables for Breakfast? Just add Bacon

Want to include more vegetables in your morning meal, but don’t know how?  Let me let you in on a little secret: Bacon.  Bacon makes everything better! And, a little bit of it can go a long way, especially when it comes to getting massive amounts of greens in you.  Think about it…little piece of bacon, with a big forkful of spinach or kale and fried egg… YUM!

It’s time to be rid of the shitty, empty carb, nutrient depleted, sugar-filled cereals that we feed our families, and ourselves on the regular, creating inflammation in our bodies, serious sugar addictions and early onset diabetes... not to mention the milk that goes along with the sugarsmacks, attributing to hormone imbalances, osteoporosis, and even more of a sugar addiction, and to start eating whole foods that will energize and nourish every cell in your body.

Here are some examples of my favourite Veggie-filled Breakfasts:

  1.   One-pan sweet potato, bacon, egg & veggie skillet. Brown your chopped bacon in a pan & when crisp, remove, & drain off most of the fat, keeping some in the pan.  Throw in diced sweet potato, onion, peppers, garlic & any other veggie on hand & sauté.   Add a sprinkle of cumin, turmeric, cinnamon, S&P & mix to combine.  Once everything is fork tender, make some room in the pan to crack your eggs into & scramble. Add bacon back to the pan & top with cilantro & avocado. Voila!- A nutrient dense, veggie-filled, inflammation-fighting, exotically-delicious breaky!

2.  Spinach, Onion & Mushroom Omelet with a side of bacon

Crisp your bacon in a non-stick pan, and when crisp, remove to plate. Reserve some bacon fat in the pan & throw in your veg to sauté. In another pan, add grass-fed butter & pour in whisked eggs for your omelet. Add a sprinkling of cheese and your sautéed veg. Close up & serve with avocado, salsa, sour cream, sliced green onion, and of course, bacon.

3.  Eggs on Toast with sliced tomato, avocado smash & micro-greens

Toast gluten-free bread, top with smashed avocado or guacamole, sliced tomatoes, a fried egg,  any pretty little micro-greens on hand & HOT SAUCE! Organic cheddar cheese optional...

See how I forwent the bacon here and you didn’t even notice.

4.  The Unconventional Breakfast

Basically, this is your chance to be a creative, nutritional genius in the kitch and create a delicious concoction that might just become a new family favourite.  In our home, we have soup for breakfast at least 3x per week, using high-vibe, mineral-rich broth, gluten-free asian glass noodles, diced fresh tomato and spinach for a warming, nourishing and energizing meal. Use leftover salmon to make a West-coast scramble, with sautéed spinach & capers, or last night's leftover smashed potatoes & combine with green onion, parsley & dill to make fried potato pancakes with sour cream. Did you know that left over greek salad, when mixed with egg and baked in the oven makes for the most delicious, healthy Greek breakfast? Just try thinking outside of the cereal box, adding greens (and bacon), and you'll kill it.